We empower students to live authentically, think deeply, and ask meaningful questions.
As a community of inquiry, Campbell Hall is made up of courageous thinkers who dare to ask bold questions. We believe that this kind of curiosity is the foundation for learning and discovery that leads to impactful and adventurous lives.
Campbell Hall is a college preparatory school that implements innovative, research-based best practices with extraordinary attention to students’ growth and well-being. Our curricula provide a challenging and engaging mix of course offerings for students at every grade level. Our classrooms are rich with student-centered, cross-curricular, and inquiry-based learning designed to enable students to take risks, express their thoughts, and explore their interests.
A Campbell Hall education empowers students with the skills, knowledge, and mindset to thrive, preparing them to engage with and contribute to a diverse and interconnected world.
Academic Philosophy Statement
Campbell Hall’s unique academic philosophy rests on the idea of spiritually integrated inquiry and community. Joyful, purposeful learning and deep relationships with others lead our students to understand the wonder of something greater than themselves. Our faculty design rigorous, meaningful, and relevant experiences that promote curiosity, engagement, connection, and self-reflection. We value depth and breadth of content, the mastery of essential skills, and the internal motivation necessary for a life of intellectual curiosity. Courageous conversations cultivate the inclusion of diverse viewpoints, and ethical reasoning guides student agency. Student choice and individualized feedback motivate problem solving and risk taking. Students in our care apply each discipline to real-world challenges and use their experiences as a path for justice. Each child comes to recognize who they are and what they value.