There are few responsibilities more important and more complex than educating our children. For more than fifteen years, Campbell Hall has formed partnerships with surrounding public schools focusing on collaborative learning experiences among students and adults.
Public and private schools are better and stronger when working together toward shared goals, be it student engagement through the arts and academics, peer-to-peer mentoring, college access, or simply a mutual understanding across neighborhoods. Public and private schools have common ground — we all want what’s best for children. Yet we also have unique challenges. The public school sector faces declining enrollment funding for traditional public schools, mixed success in charters, a dramatic and growing teacher shortage and a treadmill of curriculum change. Private schools fear they will become enclaves of privilege, and that by insulating young people we are limiting them in their understanding of their world.
Inequity of educational opportunity exists across Los Angeles, and most educators and certainly parents know this. But what can individual citizens do to remedy the situation? Or even individual schools? In pursuit of these questions, and in a belief that we must all do our part, Campbell Hall’s partnerships with public schools were launched in 2006 and continue to grow each year.
We are better together!