Campbell Hall provides students with a rich academic foundation, an inclusive and loving environment, innovative programs and technology, and a wide array of opportunities for self-expression that help shape their bright futures. In turn, the school relies on our community’s generosity to support CH NOW: The Campbell Hall Annual Fund, which supports financial aid, areas of greatest need, and teacher professional development.

Educational Access

Socioeconomic diversity is a core Campbell Hall value. More than $9m in financial aid is awarded annually to 22% of the student body and puts Campbell Hall in the 10% percentile of most general schools in California to award financial aid. The Elementary Diversity and Inclusion Fund (EDIF) is another clear example of this commitment, serving underrepresented students in grades K-6.

Academic Excellence

65% of the school’s operating budget supports the salaries and benefits of more than 250 teachers, specialists, and staff so we are able to attract and retain the best educators. And, each year, teachers collectively engage in more than 2,000 hours of professional development which in turn, positively impacts student achievement. Campbell Hall’s continued investment in technology builds students’ core skills and helps teachers improve their instruction and expand learning opportunities.

Our students master essential skills while cultivating the intrinsic motivation that fuels a lifelong pursuit of knowledge. With access to 100 athletic teams K-12 and over 300 courses across all K-12 grade levels, Campbell Hall students are empowered to explore a wide array of academic disciplines, ensuring a rich and diverse educational experience.

Community Commitment

Campbell Hall’s commitment to children extends to our broader communities. For the past 15 years, Campbell Hall has partnered with local public schools and nonprofit organizations to expand educational opportunities to young people through our public partnerships, including the Campbell Scholars Program.

Pursuits of Inner Growth

Campbell Hall students are engaged, curious, and multi-faceted. Whether on the performance or debate stage, on the athletic field or courts, in a science lab, or in service to others, Campbell Hall students have the opportunity to explore their interests, develop their own voice, and find their true path.

72 Elementary dancers•  111 Secondary dancers•  21 Music ensembles K-12•  320 Musicians•  4 Student produced gallery exhibitions each year•  4 Students in Independent Studies in Performing and Visual Arts•  40,000 Community service hours performed by CH high school students on average each year•  96 Actors and Crew•  49 Secondary Filmmakers•  6 Elementary Performances•  28 Secondary Performances & Events•  4 Full-time college counselors with over 89 years of experience in college admissions and college counseling•  394 HS Athletes•  23 Sports Offered•  65% MS Athletes play multiple sports•  21% HS Athletes play multiple sports•  78% MS Play a sport•  64% HS play a sport•  50 MS League Championships

Your support makes a difference!

Last year, 1,428 donors helped raise $3.5M.

All The Ways To Be In For CH Students

Gifts can be paid by check or credit card, or you can make a gift of stock. To donate online, please click here or for assistance, please contact Sandra Gresham, Associate Director of Advancement Annual Giving at 818.505.2430 or Sarah Mulkeen, Associate Annual Giving Manager at 818.505.2430.

A recurring payment can be established monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually. You can also pledge a lump sum amount to be paid on a date of your choosing. All gifts, recurring payments, and pledge payments must be completed by June 30. 

A matching gift from your company is a great way to maximize your donation. Many companies will double, or even triple, charitable gifts to independent schools. To see if your company matches, please visit

Giving Levels


  $100,000 and above


  $50,000 - $99,999


$25,000 - $49,999


$12,500 - $24,999

Head of School Circle*

$7,500 - $12,499

Dean's List

$3,000 - $7,499


$1,000 - $2,999


gifts up to $999

*Donors at the Head of School Circle and above will be invited to attend a special donor appreciation event with the Head of School and Board of Directors to acknowledge their generosity.

"The CH NOW: Campbell Hall Annual Fund is a school-wide effort, bringing together our entire community of parents, alumni, Board members, grandparents, parents of alumni, faculty and staff for one common purpose – to ensure that each Campbell Hall student is equipped with the resources to reach his or her fullest potential. Each gift reflects a spirit of generosity and a commitment to our students and for that, we are truly grateful."

— The Rev. Canon Julian Bull, Head of School

List of 1 items.

  • Impact Report

    To view the Impact Report, please log in to your myCH Resource Board here.

List of 1 items.

  • Sandra Gresham

    Associate Director of Advancement, Annual Giving

List of 1 items.

  • Sarah Mulkeen

    Associate Annual Giving Manager
4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Studio City, CA 91607
Phone 818.980.7280

Campbell Hall is an independent, Episcopal, K-12 all gender day school. We are a community of inquiry committed to academic excellence and to the nurturing of decent, loving, and responsible human beings.
Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
Campbell Hall admits students of any race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletics and other school-administered programs.
© Copyright 2025 Campbell Hall