Parent Engagement

Parents' Association

The Parents' Association supports the activities of Campbell Hall and encourages participation among all members of the Campbell Hall community.
The Parents' Association relies on the generous help of volunteers each year and is a great way to get involved in the Campbell Hall community. All CH parents and guardians are automatically members of the Parents' Association.
Opportunities to volunteer range from decorating the campus during the holidays, to serving faculty and staff at an appreciation lunch, to working on the event committees. Additionally, the Parents' Association helps raise funds for the school through volunteer-managed events.

We encourage you to Get Involved and find ways to save and support the school through Community Discounts & Fundraising

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Contact Us

Dena Johnson
Parents' Association President

Ricci DeMartino
Parents' Association Executive Vice President

Get Involved!

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  • Family Affinity Organizations

    The current organizations — AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) Family Alliance, Black Heritage Families, Allyship Group, Families for Pride, Jewish Family Alliance, La Familia, and Neurodiversity Affinity Group are led by family members/guardians and supported by faculty and administrators. The current organizations were founded based on parent interest and are open to all K-12 families that are interested in participating. Our Family Affinity Groups not only create opportunities for K-12 families of common heritage to come together, but also welcome all families interested in participating. Campbell Hall is open to supporting other organizations families may be interested in starting. Campbell Hall is open to supporting other organizations families may be interested in starting. LEARN MORE

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  • Bagpiper's Ball Committee

    Our largest annual fundraising event needs volunteers for all areas of the event including securing auction donations, helping with event decor, opportunity drawing, and general administrative needs. 

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  • CH Fund Committee

    The Campbell Hall Annual Fund (CH Fund) is the school's highest fundraising priority and each year, this committee plays an integral role in educating our community about the importance of this annual giving campaign. Class Level Representatives are needed for grades K-12 to help further the annual goal of 100% parent participation. LEARN MORE

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  • Community Outreach

    HANDS FOR HAITI - Volunteer to work with the high school club "Hands for Haiti" as they host their annual fundraiser for our sister schools in Haiti.

    ELEMENTARY OUTREACH GIFT FAIR (OGF) - Provide opportunities for the parent community to support charitable organizations the school has developed relationships with. Parent volunteers collect monetary donations. Volunteer time: 1 hour in the morning during the week before or the week after Thanksgiving.

    COMMITTEE ON HOMELESSNESS - Join our sub-committee addressing the needs of our neighbors experiencing homelessness. This committee is focused on learning about homelessness in Los Angeles County and finding creative solutions to help those in need.

    BLOOD DRIVE - Volunteer to sign up donors in the weeks leading up to the UCLA blood drive and/or to work the morning of the blood drive signing in donors.

    CAMPBELL HALL COMMUNITY SUNDAY - Volunteer at our on-campus K-12 day of service engaging in outreach projects to benefit our larger community (M.E.N.D., North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry, etc.).

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  • Grandparents' Committee

    There are many ways grandparents can be involved at Campbell Hall and in the lives of their grandchildren. They are invited to grandparent-specific events such as special chapels and Grandparents’ Day or activities they can enjoy with their grandchild. There is also a CH Grandparents’ Committee that meets five times throughout the year to help with various events such as appreciation luncheons and the Homecoming Carnival. LEARN MORE

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  • Hospitality Committees

    PARENT EDUCATION PROGRAMS/PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION - Set up and clean up refreshments for Parent Education programs and Parents’ Association meetings.

    ELEMENTARY GRANDPARENTS’ AND SPECIAL FRIENDS DAY - Set up and clean up refreshments for Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day held in March.

    SECONDARY PROSPECTIVE DAYS - Set up and clean up refreshments for two Saturday Admissions Open House events held in September and November.

    COLLEGE COUNSELING HOSPITALITY - Provide light refreshments for both morning and evening College Counseling parent meetings, the College Application Summer Intensive in early August and assemble goodie bags throughout the year for visiting college representatives.

    ELEMENTARY FACULTY + STAFF APPRECIATION - Provide food for events as a way of saying “thank you.” There are usually 4 events per year including Winter Holidays, Valentine’s Day, Elementary Back-to-School Night, and Spring Arts Performance.

    SECONDARY FACULTY + STAFF APPRECIATION - Provide a lunch dish three times throughout the year for middle school and high school faculty and staff as well as a dinner dish for high school faculty and staff on Back-to-School Night.

    PERFORMING ARTS HOSPITALITY - For Middle School and High School families to help with photography, concession sales and closing party for cast and crew.

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  • Host Families

    Assist with welcoming new families to Campbell Hall. Host families have a student in the grade level for which they are hosting and serve as a resource for our new parents. Host family matches are typically made in late May/early June. Host families will then reach out to their matches in early summer to welcome them, answer questions, and help them connect with other families in the Campbell Hall community.

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  • Merry Mailers

    Merry Mailers help CH by stuffing envelopes for various coordinated mailings.

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  • Parent Ambassadors

    Parent Ambassadors assist the Admissions office with a variety of events throughout the year including; weekday admissions group tours, Saturday Admissions Open House events, evening calls to applicant families to answer questions, weekday/evening and Saturday parent panels and more!

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  • Parent Education

    Campbell Hall’s Parent Education Speaker Series programs brings together parents and other members of the school community with experts in a variety of fields to engage in timely, thought-provoking discussions that inform and enrich our relationships with ourselves and the children under our care. VIEW EVENTS

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  • Parent Mindfulness Group

    The Campbell Hall Parent Mindfulness Group invites all parents and guardians to a series of morning sessions to deepen or begin a mindfulness practice. LEARN MORE

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  • Party Book Committee

    Party Book is a series of parties hosted year-round by parents for parents. We need both volunteers to be on the committee to help solicit & brainstorm party ideas AND volunteers to host parties. It’s a wonderful opportunity to build community and meet families in every division. LEARN MORE

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  • Seasonal Decorating Committee

    Join fellow parents in decorating the CH campus for various holidays including Halloween, Lunar New Year, Black History Month, and the Winter holidays.

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  • Secondary Activities Volunteers

    Working under the leadership of the Parents' Association Vice Presidents, activities volunteers are liaisons between the parent body and Campbell Hall's faculty and staff. They help with numerous events held during the school day throughout the year.

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  • Secondary Parent Socials and Baccalaureate Luncheon

    Parents help plan, set up, and clean up refreshments for our much-loved secondary school parent socials, which occur throughout the school year in the evening (one Parent Social per grade).

    11th grade parents traditionally organize this lovely luncheon for soon-to-be-graduates and their families immediately following the Sunday Baccalaureate Service on the day before Graduation.

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  • Uniform Exchange

    The Uniform Exchange sells “gently used” Campbell Hall uniforms for a nominal amount. Help gather and organize items to be sold as well as help with sales on the morning of the exchange.

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  • VikingCare

    As a close knit community, our goal is to support any CH student, family or faculty member going through a crisis. To ensure that each individual's needs are met with the appropriate level of care, concern and respect, the Viking Care committee reports on needs as well as coordinates with the co-chairs to provide necessary carpools, food and/or hospital and funeral visits.
4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Studio City, CA 91607
Phone 818.980.7280

Campbell Hall is an independent, Episcopal, K-12 all gender day school. We are a community of inquiry committed to academic excellence and to the nurturing of decent, loving, and responsible human beings.
Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
Campbell Hall admits students of any race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletics and other school-administered programs.
© Copyright 2025 Campbell Hall