Policies and Statements

We believe in and respect the innate worth of every human being. We seek to affirm the identity and self-expression of each individual, creating a safe environment in which all members of our community are treated with dignity and equity.

Antiracism Commitment

We contend that education is one of the most powerful tools for disrupting racism and bias. As a community of faith, love, and reason, our commitment to racial equity work and to the dismantling of systemic oppression is fundamental to our core values and is non-negotiable.

We vow to build a community that is explicitly anti-bias and anti-racist and to do this work in a manner that is transparent and accountable through regularly reporting on our progress towards these goals.

Through the continued creation of intentional spaces for learning, reflection, and courageous conversations we will shape our culture and practices in accordance with our values. The explicit lens of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice will be applied to curriculum, faculty/staff professional development, faculty evaluation, hiring practices, the admissions process, in addition to other facets of school life.

We condemn white supremacy, racial hatred, structural inequality, and systemic oppression in all forms. We are dedicated to dismantling these systems and disrupting both the complicity and silence which surrounds these systems. Campbell Hall will not tolerate racist, biased, or demeaning acts or language and will take swift action against any one deemed to have inflicted psychological, emotional, or physical harm against another community member. There is no room for racism, discrimination, or bigotry of any kind in our community.

Our community members deserve to feel safe, supported, valued, and seen. We therefore, commit ourselves to active listening, reflection, and engagement and to creating purposeful, lasting change.

Transgender Student Support Statement

Issues of Privacy
  • Students have a right to privacy; this right includes keeping a student’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression private.
  • School personnel should not disclose a student’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to others, including, but not limited to, other students, parents, and/or other school personnel, unless there is a specific “need to know.”
  • If the student desires, the Director of Counseling may assist to provide support and services to any student who has questions related to gender identity. Additionally, the Director of Counseling can serve as a point of contact for transgender and gender variant students who seek to take initial steps to assert their gender identity in school.
  • School personnel must be mindful of the privacy rights of students when contacting parents/legal guardians so as to not reveal, imply, or refer to a student’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
  • All students, including transgender and gender variant students, have the right to discuss openly and express their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression and to decide when, with whom, and how much to share private information.
  • The school will provide safe meeting spaces for students with the MS Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club, open to all students in grades 7-8, the HS Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club, open to all students in grades 9-12, and with Spectrum, the affinity group open only to students who identify as LGBTQ+ in grades 9-12. Both GSA clubs and the Spectrum affinity group meet under the guidance of faculty sponsors.
  • While being transgender involves more than a casual declaration of gender identity or expression, there is no requirement of proof or formal evaluation. Furthermore, there is no medical or mental health diagnosis or treatment threshold that students must meet in order to have their gender identity recognized and respected.

Official Records
  • A student is to be addressed by a name and pronoun that correspond to the gender identity that the student asserts at school.
  • Students may request to be addressed by their “preferred name” and the pronoun that corresponds to their gender identity without obtaining a court order or without changing their official records.
  • School publications interviewing transgender students will print gender pronouns used by the student.
  • The parent/legal guardian with legal custody of a child may also request in writing that their child be addressed by student’s “preferred name” in school communications (narratives, comments, emails home, student lists, directories, etc) without obtaining a court order or without changing the student’s official records. Transcripts will remain in the student’s legal name.
  • School personnel will privately ask transgender and gender variant students how they want to be addressed in communications to the home or at conferences with the student’s parents/legal guardians.
  • For initial communications with a student’s parent/legal guardian, school personnel should use the student’s legal name, unless the parent/legal guardian has provided a written request to the school for their child to be referred to by their self-identified name/gender pronoun.
  • While inadvertent slips or honest mistakes in the use of a student’s preferred name or self-identified gender pronoun may occur, the intentional and persistent refusal to respect a student’s gender identity is discriminatory and should not occur.

Restroom Accessibility
  • As determined on a case-by-case basis, students shall have access to the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity asserted at school.
  • There are several single-stall gender-inclusive restrooms on campus that may be used by any student who desires increased privacy, regardless of the underlying reason. The use of such a restroom shall be a matter of choice for a student and no student shall be compelled to use such a restroom.

Locker Room Accessibility
  • Schools shall provide a student access to a locker room facility that corresponds to the gender identity that the student asserts at school considering the available accommodation and the needs and privacy concerns of all students involved.
  • If there is a reason or request for increased privacy and safety, regardless of the underlying reason, any student may be provided access to a reasonable alternative locker room such as:
    • Use of a private area in the public area of the locker room facility (i.e., a nearby restroom stall with a door).
    • A separate changing schedule (either utilizing the locker room before or after the other students).
    • Use of a nearby private area (i.e., nearby restroom).
    • Any alternative arrangement should be provided in a way that protects the student’s privacy.

Field Trips, Athletic Trips, Experiential Education Trips or Other School Sponsored Events that Require Overnight Accommodations:
  • Because gender identity, sex assigned at birth, and outness are unique to each transgender and nonbinary student, the division director and/or the appropriate grade-level dean will work with transgender and nonbinary students (and their parents/legal guardians) individually to determine the best accommodations for overnight school-sponsored activities.
  • It is the school’s goal to maximize the student’s social integration and equal opportunity to participate in overnight activities and to ensure the safety and comfort of transgender and nonbinary students while minimizing stigmatization of students.
  • In no case will a transgender or nonbinary student be denied the right to participate in an overnight field trip because of the student’s transgender or nonbinary status.

Single Gender Groupings in Classes, Advisory, and Sports
  • Transgender and gender variant students are to be provided the same opportunities to participate in physical education as are all other students.
  • Students are permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including single gender classes, affinity groups, advisory groups, and athletic teams and competitions consistent with student’s asserted gender identity at school, irrespective of the gender listed on the student’s records. Participation in competitive athletic activities and contact sports is to be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Any California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) and Independent Elementary School Athletic League rules that exist in describing athletic participation criteria must also be taken into consideration. Middle school sports and physical education curriculum will follow high school policies.

Dress Code/School Uniform Policies
  • The school dress code policy is to be applied uniformly to all students.
  • A transgender and/or gender variant student has the right to dress in accordance with the gender identity that the student asserts at school, within the constraints of the school’s dress code.

Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying of Transgender and Gender Variant Students
  • Campbell Hall will ensure that all students, including transgender and gender variant students, are provided with a safe school environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, and bullying.
  • This pledge includes ensuring that any incident of discrimination, harassment, bullying, hazing, or violence is given immediate attention by taking action, which may include, but is not limited to, the following:
    • Intervening immediately to stop the discrimination, harassment, bullying, and/or violent behavior.
    • Investigating the incident.
    • Determining and enforcing corrective actions, as appropriate, sufficient enough to stop the discrimination, harassment, and/or bullying.
    • Monitoring to ensure that the behavior does not persist.

This policy statement is currently being revised. 

The Campbell Hall Transgender Student Support Statement was enacted in the Spring of 2014. The statement was revised in 2015 and again in 2018. Most of the language in our statement is modified from the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Transgender and Gender Variant Student- Ensuring Equity and Nondiscrimination Reference Guide and from the U.S. Department of Education document, Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices for Supporting Transgender Students, May 2016.
4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Studio City, CA 91607
Phone 818.980.7280

Campbell Hall is an independent, Episcopal, K-12 all gender day school. We are a community of inquiry committed to academic excellence and to the nurturing of decent, loving, and responsible human beings.
Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
Campbell Hall admits students of any race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletics and other school-administered programs.
© Copyright 2025 Campbell Hall