High School Music Auditions

Instrumental Music Placement Information (Grades 9-12)

Who needs to submit a video?

Bassists, Drum Set Players, Guitarists, Pianists, Steel Drummers, World Drummers, Recording Arts, and Popular Music Vocalists.

Who does not need to submit a video?

Orchestral and Jazz instrumentalists (e.g. strings, brass, woodwinds, etc.) and 1st time World Drumming Ensemble members (returning member not included) DO NOT need to submit a video, but DO need to email for a recommendation at: musicaudition@campbellhall.org

When is it due?

Current Campbell Hall students:
Friday, April 18, 2025
Students new to Campbell Hall:
Friday, April 18, 2025
If circumstances have changed due to recent events and you are unable to submit an audition, please email musicauditions@campbellhall.org.

How do I video my audition?

Please make a video of you playing your audition and upload it to Google Drive. There will be instructions on the web form where to paste the link. You can use your phone, computer, or inexpensive camera to make the video.

How do I submit my video and indicate my ensemble preference?

Click the "Submit My Audition" button to fill out the web-form and paste your Google Drive link.

What should I prepare?

List of 7 items.

  • Bass

    • Play a 2-octave scale or mode of your choice.
    • Play a walking bass line over a 12-bar blues.
    • Perform a song of your choice that demonstrates your skill level and your musical interest.
    • Play 3 different 2-octave major scales or modes of your choice.
    • Play or Arpeggiate a major 7th, minor 7th, and dominant 7th chord.
  • Drum Set

    • ​Perform three rudiments of your choice.
    • Perform 8 bars each of the following grooves: Jazz, Latin, Rock
    • Perform a 16-bar solo in the style of your choice
  • World Drumming

    • Write a 100-150 word essay describing how you intended to be a positive contribution to the ensemble’s future.
    • Clap along (video demonstrations of each here) to these 11 call & response patterns (sheet music here) while stomping your feet to a steady quarter-note pulse at 70 bpm.
    • Follow along to the video (on laptop) while filming yourself vertically so that your head down to your feet are in frame.
  • Guitar and Piano

    • Comp chords over a 12-bar blues (use a rhythmic pattern and chord voicing of your choice).
    • Perform a song of your choice that demonstrates your skill level and your musical interest.
    • Play 3 different 2-octave major scales or modes of your choice.
    • Play or Arpeggiate a major 7th, minor 7th, and dominant 7th chord.
    • Note: Guitarists may be required to play some bass in class as well.
  • Steel Pan

    • Perform the CH Alma Mater in the Key of D Major (rising 9th graders only first 8 bars) - sheet music link.
    • Perform the ascending and descending Chromatic Scale from the lowest note on instrument to the highest (rising 9th graders only first 12 notes) - note diagram link
    • Write a 100-150 word essay describing how you think you would be a positive contribution to the band’s success.
    • NO STEEL DRUM, NO PROBLEM. Video instructions for any students without prior steel drum experience or pan access.
  • Voice

    • Sing “The Star Spangled Banner”
    • Perform a song of your choice that demonstrates your skill level and your musical interest.
  • Recording Arts & Production

    • RAP I (semester long) - must watch this info-video and submit the required form (HERE).
    • RAP II & III (year long) -
      • Part 1: Instrumental Track - upload a 1-minute mp3 of an instrumental original that showcases your work in Ableton using only stock sounds / devices / V.I.’s (no samples or imported files) using only 4 tracks: Drums, Bass, Pads, Lead. *Only upload the exported mp3 (not the session).
      • Part 2: Audio Recording - upload a 1-minute mono recording done with protools of a single instrumentalist (e.g. guitar, drum, bass, singer, etc…) Recording does not have to be of yourself but does need to be engineered by you. *Only upload the exported mp3 (not the session).

How do I know which group I am being recommended for?

  • You will be notified by email of your placement recommendation once the audition has been reviewed by the audition committee.
  • Final placements are announced when you get your schedule in the mail.
  • Ensemble / class placements are subject to many variables, including scheduling and class caps.
  • Rhythm section players (Guitar, Piano, Bass, and Drum Set) will be considered for placement in Jazz Combo, Jazz Band, and Popular Music Ensembles.


If you have any questions, please contact the Audition Committee at musicaudition@campbellhall.org.

Good luck, and have fun working on your audition materials!
4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Studio City, CA 91607
Phone 818.980.7280

Campbell Hall is an independent, Episcopal, K-12 all gender day school. We are a community of inquiry committed to academic excellence and to the nurturing of decent, loving, and responsible human beings.
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Campbell Hall admits students of any race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletics and other school-administered programs.
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