Parking + Transportation


Campus Gates

List of 2 items.

  • Main Entrance/Exit

    The Main Gate (Gate 2) is located at the intersection of Laurel Canyon Blvd. and Landale St., and serves as the primary vehicle entrance and exit for campus.  There is a traffic light and pedestrian crosswalk present at this entrance.
  • Student Driver Entrance

    The North Gate (Gate 1) is located on Laurel Canyon Blvd., just south of the 101 Freeway South offramp.  This gate serves as the designated student driver only entrance each morning.  After the start of classes, the North Gate closes and student drivers should proceed to the Main Gate to enter campus.

    There is no traffic light present at this entrance, thus left turns into or out of The North Gate are dangerous and not permitted.

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  • Drop-Off/Pick-Up + Parking

    Entrances, Exits, and Flow of Traffic

    Families may enter campus at the Main Gate, located at the intersection of Laurel Canyon Blvd. and Landale Street. Two entry lanes lead to the designated student drop-off and pick-up areas by division:
    • The right BLUE LANE leads to the Blue Playground for elementary and middle school student drop-off/pick-up.
    • The left GOLD LANE leads to the Grove for high school student drop-off/pick-up.
    • Families with students in more than one division may drop-off/pick-up all students in one of these locations instead of making two separate stops.
    The City's Conditional Use Permit for our campus prohibits both parking and passenger loading/unloading in the neighborhood surrounding campus. All students must be dropped off and picked up on campus in these designated areas only. 

    Vehicles will be directed by security to return to the Main Gate to exit. 

    Parent Parking
    • Parents and visitors may park in the AEC parking structure or the Wash parking lot. If both lots are full, please check with security for instructions on where to park.
    • Parents may not park in the Triangle, Garver, and North parking lots before 1pm on days when high school is in session as these lots are reserved for student parking only.
    • Parking, dropping off, and picking up on Laurel Canyon or in the neighborhoods adjacent to campus is not permitted.  
    • Dropping off and picking up in the AEC parking structure is unsafe and is prohibited.
    • Parking is prohibited along painted red emergency curbs, in cross-hash marked areas, in crosswalks, in roadways, or in marked handicapped spots without displaying the proper state-issued tag. Appropriate parking spots can be identified by painted yellow or white lines on either side of the parking spot.
    • Please park only small vehicles in compact spots as larger vehicles such as SUVs and trucks will block traffic flow.

    Ridesharing Service Policy
    Campbell Hall is committed to sustainability and strongly encourages carpooling practices and the use of safe and well-vetted ridesharing services for students. We recommend that parents who wish to use a ridesharing service research one that has strong security practices for vetting drivers and that is specifically geared towards transporting children and teens, such as HopSkipDrive.

    Unfortunately, due to policies instituted by ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft that prohibit unaccompanied minors from riding in their vehicles, Campbell Hall does not permit these ridesharing companies onto campus to pick up or drop off students at any time.

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  • Parking Decals

    Each Campbell Hall family will receive parking decals for each school year in the mail.  Decals will be mailed at the end of August along with a letter about parking policies and procedures on campus. Any vehicle picking-up or dropping-off a student must display a current academic year decal on the lower driver's side corner of the front windshield.

    To request additional decals after receiving your initial mailing, please email Operations.

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  • Walking + Biking

    For students, faculty, and staff who live near Campbell Hall, walking or biking is an easy and sustainable way to commute to campus.  To optimize pedestrian safety on and around campus, please note the following guidelines for pedestrians and bicyclists at Campbell Hall:
    • When crossing Laurel Canyon, pedestrians coming to campus should use the east-west crosswalk at Landale St. and Laurel Canyon. Students may not utilize the east-west crosswalk on Laurel Canyon/101 freeway intersection at any time.
    • The pedestrian and bicycle entrance and exit during drop-off and pick-up times is located at the middle gate of the Arts and Education Center on Laurel Canyon.  Campbell Hall identification verification is required for entry.
    • Bicycle parking is available near the North Gate (adjacent to the middle school faculty lounge).
    Students who must leave campus before the end of the school day will be required to present a Gate Pass to exit.

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  • Parking Regulations + Fine Structure

    Campbell Hall's Conditional Use Permit with the City of Los Angeles and efforts to nurture good neighbor relations with our surrounding community require us to adhere to certain parking and transportation guidelines as outlined in the Campbell Hall Parking and Transportation Plan. Because violations of this plan can endanger pedestrians, infringe upon good neighbor relation efforts, and jeopardize the school's ability to work constructively with the City of Los Angeles, repeated violations to the school's Parking and Transportation Plan will be subject to fines for repeated offenses.  The following are considered serious violations:
    1. Student, faculty, staff, or parent parking on residential streets adjacent to campus.
    2. Dropping off and/or picking up of passengers on Laurel Canyon or in the adjacent neighborhoods.
    3. Making U-turns in the adjacent Landale neighborhood.
    4. Parking in non-designated parking spots on or off campus. 
    5. Dropping off and/or picking up in non-designated locations on campus (e.g. AEC P1 garage).
    Violation fines will be assessed to student accounts as follows:
    1. First violations will receive a warning notification
    2. Second violations will receive a $100 fine
    3. Third violations will receive a $250 fine and will require senior administration review
    4. Fourth violations will receive a $1,000 fine, senior administration review, and may require revocation of on campus driving/parking privileges*
    *Since repeated violations of the Parking and Transportation Plan reflect a sufficient inconsistency with school values, Campbell Hall may choose not to extend an invitation to renew school enrollment with respect to any family who has accrued repeated violations.

    We cannot overstate the importance of making drop-off and pick-up more efficient, of increasing our carpool numbers, or the necessity of being sensitive to the impact of Campbell Hall drivers on the neighborhood. We ask for your fullest cooperation and participation in this plan, and that you share it with anyone who is designated to drive on or around campus on behalf of your family.
4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Studio City, CA 91607
Phone 818.980.7280

Campbell Hall is an independent, Episcopal, K-12 all gender day school. We are a community of inquiry committed to academic excellence and to the nurturing of decent, loving, and responsible human beings.
Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
Campbell Hall admits students of any race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletics and other school-administered programs.
© Copyright 2025 Campbell Hall